Journal of Baltic Science Education
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EXAMINING SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY: CORRELATIONS BETWEEN THE METHODS OF DRAWING AND OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2019. doi:
(2019). THE USE OF REALIA VERSUS POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS ON BOTANY LESSONS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2016. doi:
(2016). A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY ON FRESHMEN’S KNOWLEDGE OF GENETICS, EVOLUTION, AND THE NATURE OF SCIENCE. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2014. doi:
(2014). THE EFFECTS OF 3D PLASTIC MODELS OF ANIMALS AND CADAVERIC DISSECTION ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS OF ANIMALS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. doi:
(2014). ASSESSMENT OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES REGARDING BIOTECHNOLOGY: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(1). presented at the March/2012. doi:
(2012). A CROSS-NATIONAL STUDY OF PROSPECTIVE ELEMENTARY AND SCIENCE TEACHERS’ CREATIVITY STYLES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(3). presented at the September/2012. doi:
(2012). GOOD PREDATORS IN BAD STORIES: CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON OF CHILDREN’S ATTITUDES TOWARDS WOLVES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 10(4). presented at the December/2011. Retrieved from
(2011). CHILDREN’S CONCEPTIONS OF ANIMAL BREATHING: A CROSS – AGE AND CROSS – CULTURAL COMPARISON. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 8(3). presented at the October/2009. Retrieved from
(2009). TURKISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD BIOLOGY: THE EFFECTS OF GENDER AND ENROLMENT IN BIOLOGY CLASSES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 8(2). presented at the August/2009. Retrieved from
(2009). SCIENCE EDUCATION JOURNALS AND CITATION INDEXES: WHAT SHOULD WE DO?. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 7(2). presented at the August/2008. Retrieved from
(2008). SCIENCE STUDENT TEACHERS’ IDEAS OF THE HEART. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 7(2). presented at the August/2008. Retrieved from
(2008). STUDENTS` UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN PREGNANCY. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 7(1). presented at the March/2008. Retrieved from
(2008). PUPILS’ MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MAMMALS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6(1). presented at the March/2007. Retrieved from
(2007). STUDENTS’ IDEAS ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY: DO THEY REALLY DRAW WHAT THEY KNOW?. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 5(2). presented at the October/2006. Retrieved from