Journal of Baltic Science Education

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Journal Article
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
Li, M., Cai, L., Chen, D., & Ye, J. (2022). MEASURING CHINESE RURAL SCIENCE TEACHERS’ SELF-PERCEPTION TOWARDS TEACHING COMPETENCIES: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2022. doi:
