Journal of Baltic Science Education

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Brecl, J., Kordigel Aberšek, M., Čampelj, B., & Flogie, A. (2024). STEAM LEARNING AS A BASE FOR DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 23(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2024. doi:
Pajk, T., Van Isacker, K., Aberšek, B., & Flogie, A. (2021). STEM EDUCATION IN ECO-FARMING SUPPORTED BY ICT AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 20(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2021. doi:
Cencelj, Z., Aberšek, B., Flogie, A., & Kordigel Aberšek, M. (2020). METACOGNITIVE MODEL FOR DEVELOPING SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING FUNCTIONAL LITERACY. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2020. doi:
Slavinec, M., Aberšek, B., Gačević, D., & Flogie, A. (2019). MONODISCIPLINARITY IN SCIENCE VERSUS TRANSDISCIPLINARITY IN STEM EDUCATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(3), Continuous. presented at the June/2019. doi:
Cencelj, Z., Kordigel Aberšek, M., Aberšek, B., & Flogie, A. (2019). ROLE AND MEANING OF FUNCTIONAL SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGICAL AND ENGINEERING LITERACY IN PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2019. doi:
Flogie, A., Lakota, A. B., & Aberšek, B. (2018). THE PSYCHOSOCIAL AND COGNITIVE INFLUENCE OF ICT ON COMPETENCES OF STEM STUDENTS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2018. doi:
Kordigel Aberšek, M., Aberšek, B., & Flogie, A. (2018). WRITING VERSUS TYPING DURING SCIENCE TEACHING: CASE STUDY IN SLOVENIA. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2018. doi:
Fiksl, M., Flogie, A., & Aberšek, B. (2017). INNOVATIVE TEACHING/LEARNING METHODS TO IMPROVE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING CLASSROOM CLIMATE AND INTEREST. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2017. doi:
Kordigel Aberšek, M., Dolenc, K., Flogie, A., & Koritnik, A. (2015). NEW NATURAL SCIENCE LITERACIES OF ONLINE RESEARCH AND COMPREHENSION: TO TEACH OR NOT TO TEACH. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2015. doi:
Flogie, A., & Aberšek, B. (2015). TRANSDISCIPLINARY APPROACH OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2015. doi:
Pešaković, D., Flogie, A., & Aberšek, B. (2014). DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A COMPETENCE-BASED TEACHING PROCESS FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2014. doi: