
Problems of Education in the 21st Century is an international, periodical scientific journal publishing original research across the whole of education. The journal's Editorial Board and staff are committed to building PEC into the leading scientific journal in its field by publishing articles of outstanding scientific quality that merit the attention and interest of the whole educational community.

PEC is peer-reviewed journal. Every submission is preliminarily assessed by the Editorial Board who also guide the formal peer-review process. Aproximatelly 60% of submissions are rejected.

General requirements

All articles must meet the highest scientific quality standards, both in terms of originality and significance, and the research results should make substantial advances within a particular subfield of education. PEC publishes only original research.


Submission of a manuscript implies; that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings.

Peer Review Process

Each paper is reviewed by the Editor in Chief and, if it is judged suitable for publication, it is then sent to at least two referees for blind review. Neither the Editor nor the reviewer will impose his or her personal biases on authors. Every effort is made to ensure that all manuscripts receive constructive, objective and speedy appraisals. A special review form is prepared for the reviewer. Based on the recommendations, the Editor in Chief decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised (improved) or rejected. The process described above is a general one. This process may vary depending on certain circumstances. The review process usually takes around 4-6 weeks. Full document is available here.

Publication Ethics Statement

PEC is committed to maintaining high standards through a rigorous peer-review together with strong and transparent ethical policies.
An Initial Plagiarism Check is carried out for every manuscript submitted to PEC. The check starts with a standardized Google and other search engines.
Each author should confirm obligatory (to write a declaration) that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Publisher or handed over (transferred) to another journal for publication.
Submitted papers are assessed based on their novelty, scientific and technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. All submissions are checked by iThenticate before sending to reviewers. The publisher and journal have a policy of “Zero Tolerance on the Plagiarism”. Full document is available here.

Author based financing

It is understandable that publishing of PEC costs some amount of money. Scientia Socialis is a self-supporting Publisher that does not receive funding from any institutions/government. The costs of producing a journal include managing peer review and editorial control, technical support, distribution, marketing etc. This is the main reason that PEC use an author based financing system. The authors are not charged for getting their papers reviewed - so if your manuscript is rejected then you pay nothing. Only the manuscripts accepted for publication will be invoiced for article processing charge. It is obvious, that the acceptance of a paper does not depend on article processing charges. The acceptance is based only on the results of peer-review procedure.

In Problems of Education in the 21st Century journal, the fees are used for activities such as digital printing, graphic design, promotion of international indexes, registering DOI numbers and providing open access to articles. No fees are charged for the articles that fail to complete the review process.

It is as a challenge to the traditional subscription-based publishing model by offering an alternative - an article processing fee (charges). The charges received from authors are only one part. The additional money comes from institutional membership fees, grants, donations, some advertising, and additional subscription-based products.
Editorial Board can select some interesting and outstanding articles which are going to be published free of charge.
PEC currently accepts the following payment methods:

  • Bank transfer in USD or EUR.
  • Payment with Credit Card through PayPal.
  • Payment by Western Union Money Transfer.