Journal of Baltic Science Education

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Mnguni, L. (2017). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENROLMENT IN BIOLOGY, HIV/AIDS KNOWLEDGE AND RELATED BEHAVIOUR AMONG SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOLGIRLS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2017. doi:
Mnguni, L., & Mokiwa, H. (2020). THE INTEGRATION OF ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING IN STEM EDUCATION AS A RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(6A), Continuous. presented at the December/2020. doi:
Nkosi, T., & Mnguni, L. (2020). THE IMPACT OF PHYSICAL MOLECULAR MODELS ON STUDENTS' VISUO-SEMIOTIC REASONING SKILLS RELATED TO THE LEWIS STRUCTURE AND BALL & STICK MODEL OF AMMONIA. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2020. doi:
Mnguni, L. (2018). A DESCRIPTION OF VISUAL LITERACY AMONG THIRD YEAR BIOCHEMISTRY STUDENTS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(3), Continuous. presented at the June/2018. doi: