Journal of Baltic Science Education

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Valanides, N. (2002). ASPECTS OF CONSTRUCTIVISM. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 1(2). presented at the October/2002. Retrieved from
Oladiran, M. T., & Uziak, J. (2009). ASSESSMENT OF E-LEARNING COURSE DELIVERY FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 8(1). presented at the March/2009. Retrieved from
Seçken, N. (2009). ATTITUDES SCALE TOWARDS “NANO TECHNOLOGY” FOR CHEMISTRY TEACHERS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 8(3). presented at the October/2009. Retrieved from
Selvi, M. (2012). ADAPTATION INTO TURKISH OF THE PLANT ATTITUDE QUESTIONNAIRE. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(2). presented at the June/2012. doi:
Torkar, G., Kubiatko, M., & Bajd, B. (2012). ASSESSING PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS (DIS) LIKING OF SOME ANIMAL SPECIES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(4). presented at the December/2012. doi:
Erdoğan, M., Özel, M., BouJaoude, S., Lamanauskas, V., Uşak, M., & Prokop, P. (2012). ASSESSMENT OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES REGARDING BIOTECHNOLOGY: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(1). presented at the March/2012. doi:
Ramnarain, U. (2013). THE ACHIEVEMENT GOAL ORIENTATION OF DISADVANTAGED PHYSICAL SCIENCES STUDENTS FROM SOUTH AFRICA. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 12(2). presented at the June/2013. doi:
Yakışan, M. (2013). THE ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTIONS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS CONCERNING THE STATUS OF ORGANELLES DURING CELL DIVISION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 12(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2013. doi:
Kubiatko, M., & Balatova, K. (2013). ARE STORKS HOMOSEXUALS? PERSISTENCE OF MISCONCEPTIONS AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2013. doi:
Kaya, S., & Kablan, Z. (2013). ASSESSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEARNING STRATEGIES AND SCIENCE ACHIEVEMENT AT THE PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 12(4). presented at the December/2013. doi:
Uyulgan, M. A., Akkuzu, N., & Alpat, Ş. (2014). ASSESSING THE STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING RELATED TO MOLECULAR GEOMETRY USING A TWO-TIER DIAGNOSTIC TEST. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. doi:
Tamayo, A. P., Niño, L. V. M., & Juánez, J. C. (2015). ANALYSIS AND INTERVENTION OF STUDENT KNOWLEDGE OF NUTRITION AND SEXUALITY AT A PENAL INSTITUTION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2015. doi:
Bantwini, B. D. (2015). ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF COLLABORATION BETWEEN NATURAL SCIENCE SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS AND PRIMARY SCHOOL SCIENCE TEACHERS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2015. doi:
Chang, S. - H., Yu, L. - C., Kuo, Y. - K., Mai, Y. - T., & Chen, J. - D. (2015). APPLYING ONLINE PEER ASSESSMENT WITH TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT TO ELEVATE PROJECT-BASED LEARNING PERFORMANCE. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(3), Continuous. presented at the June/2015. doi:
Ilhan, N., Yilmaz, Z. A., & Dede, H. (2015). ATTITUDES OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS TOWARDS EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND THEIR SCIENCE TEACHING EFFICACY BELIEFS IN TURKEY. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2015. doi:
Rusek, M., Stárková, D., Chytrý, V., & Bílek, M. (2017). ADOPTION OF ICT INNOVATIONS BY SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS WITHIN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2017. doi:
Orwat, K., Bernard, P., & Migdał-Mikuli, A. (2017). ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTIONS OF COMMON SALT HYDROLYSIS AMONG UPPER-SECONDARY-SCHOOL STUDENTS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2017. doi:
Stanisavljević, J. D., Bunijevac, M. М., & Stanisavljević, L. Ž. (2017). THE APPLICATION OF CONCEPT MAPS IN THE TEACHING OF POLLINATION AND POLLINATORS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2017. doi:
Demir, N. S., Aksüt, P., Yener, D., Aydın, F., Subaşı, Ö., Fidan, H., & Aygün, M. (2017). ATTITUDES TOWARDS ASTRONOMY AMONG THE PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ DIFFERENT COGNITIVE STYLES: ALTERNATIVE COURSE SAMPLE. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(3), Continuous. presented at the June/2017. doi:
Li, X., Wang, L., Shen, J., Wang, J., Hu, W., Chen, Y., & Tian, R. (2018). ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY ACTIVITIES IN EIGHT-GRADE PHYSICS TEXTBOOKS IN CHINA. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2018. doi:
Ahi, B., Atasoy, V., & Balci, S. (2018). AN ANALYSIS OF PLANT BLINDNESS IN TURKISH TEXTBOOKS USED AT THE BASIC EDUCATION LEVEL. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2018. doi:
Saban, Y., Aydoğdu, B., & Elmas, R. (2019). ACHIEVEMENT AND GENDER EFFECTS ON 5TH GRADER'S ACQUISITION OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS IN A SOCIOECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED NEIGHBORHOOD. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2019. doi:
Lavonen, J. (2019). ADOPTING IDEAS FROM CURRENT NORDIC TEACHER EDUCATION STRATEGIES TO INITIAL SCIENCE TEACHER EDUCATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2019. doi:
