Journal of Baltic Science Education

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Lang, V., & Šorgo, A. (2024). DIFFERENCES IN THE WISHES OF STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND PARENTS ON INTEGRATION OF SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS IN BIOLOGY LESSONS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 23(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2024. doi:
Lješnjak, S., Caković, D., & Šorgo, A. (2024). FAMILIARITY AND OPINIONS OF MONTENEGRIN BASIC SCHOOL LEAVERS TOWARD EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT . Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 23(4), Continuous. presented at the August/2024. doi:
Chroustová, K., Šorgo, A., Bílek, M., & Rusek, M. (2022). DIFFERENCES IN CHEMISTRY TEACHERS’ ACCEPTANCE OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE ACCORDING TO THEIR USER TYPE: AN APPLICATION OF EXTENDED UTAUT MODEL. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 21(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2022. doi:
Šorgo, A., & Špernjak, A. (2020). BIOLOGY CONTENT AND CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE AS PREDICTORS OF CAREER ASPIRATIONS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(2), Continuous. presented at the April/2020. doi:
Šorgo, A. (2020). THE TEACHER’S ROLE IN THE BATTLE OF THE INTELLIGENT MACHINES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2020. doi:
Janštová, V., & Šorgo, A. (2019). EVALUATION, VALIDATION AND MODIFICATION OF SCIENCE MOTIVATION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2019. doi:
Šorgo, A. (2019). PROPOSALS FOR SMALL STEPS TOWARD REPRODUCIBILITY OF SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL STUDIES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2019. doi:
Šorgo, A. (2017). USER-FRIENDLY REPORTING OF RESEARCH FINDINGS FROM A QUESTIONNAIRE. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(5), Continuous. presented at the October/2017. doi:
Chroustová, K., Bílek, M., & Šorgo, A. (2017). VALIDATION OF THEORETICAL CONSTRUCTS TOWARD SUITABILITY OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE FOR CHEMISTRY EDUCATION: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN USERS AND NONUSERS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2017. doi:
Šorgo, A., Usak, M., Kubiatko, M., Fančovičova, J., Prokop, P., Puhek, M., Skoda, J., et al. (2014). A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY ON FRESHMEN’S KNOWLEDGE OF GENETICS, EVOLUTION, AND THE NATURE OF SCIENCE. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(1), Continuous. presented at the February/2014. doi:
Puhek, M., Perše, M., Perše, T. V., & Šorgo, A. (2013). PERCEIVED USABILITY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ACCEPTANCE OF VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS BY LOWER SECONDARY STUDENTS, UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AND IN-SERVICE TEACHERS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 12(6), Continuous. presented at the December/2013. doi:
Puhek, M., Perše, M., & Šorgo, A. (2012). COMPARISON BETWEEN A REAL FIELD TRIP AND A VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP IN A NATURE PRESERVE: KNOWLEDGE GAINED IN BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(2). presented at the June/2012. doi:
Šorgo, A., Lamanauskas, V., Šašić, S. Š., Kubiatko, M., Prokop, P., Fančovičova, J., Bilek, M., et al. (2012). A CROSS-NATIONAL STUDY OF PROSPECTIVE ELEMENTARY AND SCIENCE TEACHERS’ CREATIVITY STYLES. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(3). presented at the September/2012. doi:
Šorgo, A., Dolinšek, J. A., Tomažič, I., & Janžekovič, F. (2011). EMOTIONS EXPRESSED TOWARD GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 10(1). presented at the March/2011. Retrieved from
Šorgo, A., & Kocijančič, S. (2011). PRESENTATION OF LABORATORY SESSIONS FOR SCIENCE SUBJECTS IN SLOVENIAN UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 10(2). presented at the June/2011. Retrieved from