Contents of Volume 3, No.1, 2014

Lamanauskas, V. (2014). SOME EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT SKETCHES. Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , 3(1), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. Retrieved from
Bianco, A. (2014). THE JOB QUALITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A ROAD MAP TO A NEW DEVELOPMENT MODEL. Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , 3(1), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. Retrieved from
Dias, A. P. (2014). ISO 9001 IN PORTUGAL: ITS IMPLEMENTATION UNDER A HOLISTIC THEORETICAL APPROACH. Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , 3(1), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. Retrieved from
Grignoli, D. (2014). ADULT EDUCATION: A PATH TO SOCIAL INCLUSION. A CASE STUDY IN MOLISE (ITALY). Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , 3(1), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. Retrieved from
Monkienė, A., & Lamanauskas, V. (2014). QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN LITHUANIAN COLLEGES: WEBSITES INFORMATION ANALYSIS. Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , 3(1), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. Retrieved from
Stoyanova, S. (2014). QUALITY OF PROCESSING AND TRANSMITTING WRITTEN INFORMATION CONTAINING VERBAL ILLUSIONS IN YOUTH AGE. Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century , 3(1), Continuous. presented at the December/2014. Retrieved from